baptism was a very powerful and spiritual experience and I am grateful
to have been apart of it. This week was filled with amazing
experiences that I will forever be grateful for. Here is the recap!
Tuesday: We started an exchange with the Salève Elders! I was with
Elder Price here in Geneva. Elder Price played basketball at Layton
High and I honestly love him so much he is such a good guy. We went
and met with Ali and taught him and tried to help him quit smoking
again. Still a work in process haha. So then we contacted into someone
named Bertron and he was just about to go and pick his kids up but he
had about 20 or so minutes so we taught him the retab and fixed a rdv
for Friday! We also went and had a family home evening at the Barray
family home with Atoussa and Mandy and we read Moroni 6! Good stuff.
Wednesday: So Elder Barnes and I drove to Annecy for the Salève
district meeting. Along the way we found this way cool bridge and
snapped a few photos which I'll send. But anyways, Elder Price is the
DL of the district and he did a great job! We talked about getting
Amis to church and extending commitments. So then we made it back to
Geneva and we had a quick lesson with Mandy and Atoussa and registered
them with to be able to find some names to go to the
temple with next week!
Thursday: okay so between Thursday and Saturday night right before
Atoussa and Mandy's baptism there was so much opposition it was
incredible! But, we had district meeting in Geneva and Elder Mauss is
the DL here and we talked about the same thing as the Salève district!
It was great. Then we got a call from our ward mission leader telling
us about some opposition that had happened with Mandy and Atoussa! So
we spent the next little bit taking care of all of that. But it all
got solved...kind of. So then we saw Rishon and taught him about the
plan of salvation! His understanding is amazing and he retains
information so well. Then we had a high council meeting to go to for
the Stake and we talked about the missionary work in the area.
Friday: Friday was super busy. We had 5 RDVs all back to back and they
all took place. So the first was with Atoussa and Mandy and it was the
last one before their baptism! We read 3 Nephi 27 with them and pumped
them up for their baptism!! It went super well and we taught with
Sister Ischola who is an amazing member here. Then after we taught
Bertron and he even brought his friend Yan! We taught the restoration
to them and they had a lot of questions but we responded to them and
gave them their own Book of Mormon and they said they would start to
read it! Then we had an intense rdv with Mandy's grandma which lasted
about 5 minutes. She was not happy Mandy was getting baptized to say
the least! A lot could be said about that situation but I will just
leave it at that. Then we had a rdv with an ami named Serge! So serge
is from Congo and is married and has 3 kids and asked for a Book of
Mormon online! So last week Elder Barnes was on an exchange and he
committed him to baptism for May 7th! So we showed up this time and we
taught him the restoration and he loved it! The spirit was really
strong. He talked to his wife and his 8 year old daughter and they
want to be baptized too!! :) it was seriously so cool. I am excited to
see his progression over the next few weeks! Then after we went and
saw Rishon at Sister Ischola's house and we taught him about faith and
repentance! His baptism for April 30th is looking great!
Saturday: Baptism day! Hahaha I can honestly promise the week went by
so slowly with everything that was happening and all the opposition
there was, and we were just praying that Saturday would come. And
voilà it did haha. So we started off by playing soccer with the
district and some Amis! Then we got ready for the baptism! Elder
Barnes and I showed up at the church and like 10 minutes later Atoussa
and Mandy did! The baptismal service was so incredible!! Mandy asked
me to baptize her, while Atoussa asked Elder Barnes! It was seriously
such a powerful moment to see these girls enter the water! After Mandy
came out of the water she just had the biggest smile on her face and
said "c'est magnifique" (I think you call all translate that haha).
Mandy was baptized first, and then Atoussa went! It was seriously so
cool I can't even really explain it. They were so happy and honestly
glowing! After we had a little celebration at the church with the
members! The Ward support was so incredible for Atoussa and Mandy. The
Ward has seriously been right by their sides. They received a lot of
hugs and bisous from the the Ward. You just had to have been there,
but it was so amazing! We got texts from both of them later that night
saying how happy they were and Mandy said, "Thank you, I am so happy
to have done it. I feel like a new life is starting for me and I will
never regret it." Atoussa said, "Thank you for tonight, it was magical
and I am so excited for tomorrow (talking about the confirmation"
Sunday: Confirmation! Our ward mission leader Fidalgo was able to
confirm both Mandy and Atoussa members of the church :) ah it was so
amazing and the spirit was so strong. Seriously after both of the
confirmations they both had the biggest smiles and they looked so
happy. Also Serge and Rishon came to church and the Ward members loved
them. Seriously the Ward here is incredible. So then after we taught
our Amis class and we taught the plan of salvation and Atoussa helped
us teach haha. She did such a good job too...there were multiple
moments where she would say something right out of Preach My Gospel
and she doesn't even know what that is haha. We need to get her on a
mission! So then after church Atoussa and Mandy had their temple
interviews and both received their recommend! They are going to try
and go to the temple this amazing is that? Seriously
elder Barnes and I were so happy for them. They were so prepared to
receive the gospel. We first met Atoussa 6 weeks ago and now she is
baptized! And our first lesson with Mandy was March 17th and she was
baptized less than a month later. It is just crazy to see how prepared
they were. I am so happy for the both of them :)
But after all that ended, we went and ate at the Bishops house! The
Gaag family is so awesome I love them a lot.
Crazy week!! I was really humbled as I partook of the sacrament this
week. I am so grateful for the sacrament and what it means. My
scripture for the week is 2 Nephi 31:21. I know that every line in
that scripture is true. Thank you for the prayers and support :)
Elder Wade
2 Nephi 31:21
And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God, without end. Amen.
Mandy and I
Elder Barnes and Atoussa!
Us with our ward mission leader Fidalgo!
Elder Barnes and I
Maybe one of my favorite photos ever!! This was taken Sunday after
church when they had been confirmed members and had just received
their temple recommends!! :) they are going to try and go to the
temple for baptisms this Saturday!!
Exchange with elder Price and some kids were playing basketball so
we played with them for a little bit!
Salève District!
The bridge
Another bridge photo
Annecy Lake with elder Barnes!
The buffet after the baptism!
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