*I asked Elder Wade how happy he was and he said;
"Beyond happy."
Les îles sanguinaires. It's honestly so beautiful here!!!
Hello family and friends! First off, huge shout out to my sister
Olivia on back to back state titles!! She's only a sophomore and
already has 2 rings. Ah she's such a sicko and I love her so much :)
it's hard living in the shadow of a younger sister haha. Beyond
amazing week down here on the island! We worked hard and saw some
pretty amazing miracles this week! The island is so beautiful it's
crazy! Here's a recap of the week!
Monday: P day! Just kind of hung out and went and played basketball
right by the Mediterranean Sea. It was sweet. Then after we had 3
lessons between 6-9:30 and it was super cool!
Tuesday: Such an awesome day! So we really prayed the night before on
where we needed to go and all 3 of us felt really good about this
quarter full of houses on the outskirts of Ajaccio and so we cooked
lunch and dinner at the same time and just packed it all up and went
and ported in this huge neighborhood for the whole rest of the day and
it was soooo amazing! We ended up having 4 lessons with some amazing
people who we are hoping to see again this week! It was really so cool
to see the spirit guide us to that area and find people who we needed
to teach. We got home after about 9 hours of porting and all just laid
on the ground and talked about the amazing experiences we had. It was
honestly a pretty amazing day.
Wednesday: Wow such another wonderful day! So basically we did the
same thing as Tuesday. We had a rendez vous with Marie Rose and she is
so ready for her baptism coming up in a few weeks! So after her rendez
vous we went back to the same general area of the neighborhood from
the day before and had another absolutely amazing day. We ended up
having another 6 lessons on Wednesday as well! It was honestly such a
miracle. The people we taught we are all teaching next week and we
taught a few families as well. Haha honestly it was such a great day.
Thursday: So we woke up and worked out and then we immediately made
the most beautiful drive in the entire world to Bastia so we could
Skype the Nice Zone for Zone training. Corsica is apart of the Nice
zone but we just skype them because we are across the Mediterranean
haha. Anyways, we met up with the elders from Bastia and skyped for
the training from 10-12 and then we went and had a service project
straight after honestly straight in the jungle of Corsica haha and we
were just chopping trees and lighting everything on fire I couldn't
believe a fire didn't start. Haha Corsicans are crazy but I love them.
So then after that we did a little exchange between us and Bastia and
it was Elder Richmond and I plus Elder Schettler from Bastia. Hahaha
it was so funny the first thing he said to me when we got into the car
and headed back to Ajaccio was, "Elder Wade, I need to apologize for
some thing. 2 years ago when you guys played Olympus and it was at
Olympus...I was the one that stocked your Instagram and Twitter and
found out as much dirt as I could on you so we could chant it against
you during the game." Hahaha it was soooo funny. Elder Schettler is a
great missionary snd I love him. But basically we got back to Ajaccio
late and taught Marie rose, contacted, then had to check in for the
night. I promise Corsica is the most beautiful place on this world.
It's incredible. The 2 hour drive from Ajaccio to Bastia starts out on
the beach, then you drive through the the mountains/jungle and the
leaves are changing color and then the drive ends on the beach. Really
Friday: Great day! So we got studies in and then met the Elders de
Bastia halfway between us in Corte and got back elder Johnson from the
exchange! After that we had one lesson with a man named Lorrain about
the plan of salvation. We ported into him on Tuesday and fixed a RDV
for Friday and it was a great lesson. After, we had a lesson with Marie
rose about Jesus Christ and it was so amazing! One of the most
spiritual lessons I've had! We all testified of Jesus Christ and then
watched "parce qu'il vit" and it was so powerful.
Saturday: Saturday we we had a great day! So we had a BBQ with Marie
Rose and it was super fun! After that we had a rendez vous with Sylvia
and Noel and it was soooo cool! They told us they are getting married
and then we fixed a baptismal date for them! November 14th!! Such a
cool experience!
Sunday: Church! Hahaha it's so great here. This week at church there
was 9 again with us 3, our 3 Amis with baptisms fixed and then 3
members! It was awesome. I gave a lesson on the temples and then gave
a talk during sacrament haha. Gosh I love church here. It's soooo
crazy to think back home there is hundreds of people. It's so cool to
see these people here though. I love them a lot.
Thank you for all the support. I love you all!
Thought of the week:
Mosiah 2: 17
Elder Wade
Mosiah 2:17
And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the serviceof your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.
Exchange selfie with elder Schettler and elder Richmond
Our Amis!! Noel, Marie Rose and Sylvia :)
Frere Colonna!! He is so funny haha. He can barely see and rides
his moped to church. I promise he rides 100% off of faith. But he
couldn't come yesterday so we brought him sacrament!
his moped to church. I promise he rides 100% off of faith. But he
couldn't come yesterday so we brought him sacrament!